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The value of comparing Medicare Advantage plans may be more than you think (Signal)

October 15 marks the beginning of Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), yet for too many individuals ages 65 and up, it’s just another day. While it may not seem to be, the start of AEP is an important milestone in ensuring longevity and wellness for years to come. During the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, which runs until December 7, Medicare beneficiaries have an opportunity to make positive changes to their Medicare coverage for the upcoming year.

“The right health plan is key in helping prevent disease, manage chronic conditions and promote health.  It is not a decision that should be taken lightly,” Tanya Hamel, community outreach and Medicaid advisor says. “Consider this annual enrollment period the time your time to do a yearly self-check. What has changed in your health or your finances? How is your current Medicare plan changing in the coming year? Have you identified new benefits and perks of value to you? Even if you feel satisfied with your current plan, it still makes sense to review your coverage and compare plans. You may be surprised to find that there are more cost-effective options that better fit your anticipated needs going into the next year.”

Plans can change from year to year and so can your situation. To make sure the plan you have is still the best fit for your health status and lifestyle, there can be great value in asking yourself these six key questions:

  • Have your healthcare needs changed or do you foresee them changing in the upcoming year?
  • Has your financial situation changed?
  • Will the doctors you see continue to be in network?
  • Are your prescription medications still covered?
  • Are getting the additional benefits you want?
  • Do you plan to travel away from home often?

Medicare Advantage plans (also known as Medicare Part C) are increasingly popular because of their one-stop-shopping approach — bundling Part A (hospital), Part B (medical) and often Part D (prescription) coverage into one plan. And $0 monthly premiums have become the standard, not the exception. While there are some apples-to-apples comparisons, look at the oranges — those outliers that are not common to most plans and are of value to you.

If accessibility is key, consider plans from insurance companies that have local offices. A local agent you can call or stop in to see can be a great asset when you have questions or need assistance. And local can mean more tailored services and benefits too. Health Alliance Northwest™, for example, offers a locally focused Medicare Advantage plan – shaped by the community’s doctors and the members themselves – which focuses on creating programs and benefits that provide members with the high-quality care they desire and deserve, close to home.

If extra benefits that Medicare does not cover like dental, vision, hearing or fitness benefits are important to you, make sure you consider what different plans offer. Plans like those offered by Health Alliance Northwest try to reflect the wants and needs of the members in the local area and assist members in living their healthiest lives. At Health Alliance Northwest, all plans come with a benefit card to help pay for fitness expenses, like skiing and golf and hearing coverage. Other extra benefits are included but vary by plan, so it’s important to look at each plan and find the right one for your needs.

“The process is very individual. Once you determine what matters most to you it can serve as a comparison chart by which to evaluate other plans,” Hamel explains. “At Health Alliance Northwest, we try to impact the health of all of our members in a positive way. The difference between being solely a health insurance company and a health plan is something that sets us apart from others. We work to bring doctors and our health plan together, aiming for both better patient experience and better health outcomes.”

Consider devoting just a little bit of time and effort this year to reviewing your Medicare plan and comparing it to other Medicare plan choices. There are many sources you can turn to for balanced information. To learn more about the plans available from Health Alliance Northwest, visit to discover more options to fit your lifestyle. And remember, the enrollment period ends December 7, so make sure to start looking into plans today.